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Oil and gas production cost set to strike Colorado manufacturers

Colorado's oil producers are bracing for a new fee associated with their production as part of a compromise the industry reached with environmental groups that were promoting more rigid regulations on drilling.

Colorado, the 4th largest oil producing state in the U.S., is a regular battleground for the oil market and environmentalists, who over the years have pushed for harder guidelines on nonrenewable fuel source production.

The offer reached today will eliminate numerous proposed ballot measures targeting the fossil fuel industry ahead of this year's election, including one that would have stopped drilling in summertime.

As part of the compromise, manufacturers will get struck with a fee that changes with market prices on every barrel of oil produced in the state.

We're not huge fans of the cost dynamic/ structure, said analysts for investment company Tudor, Pickering, Holt & & Co in a. note, including it is approximated to produce some $140 million in. income.

The proposed legislation is supported by ecological. groups consisting of Earthjustice and Earthworks, in addition to major. producers in the state including Chevron and Occidental .

We are glad to prevent tally steps submitted by the oil and. gas market to roll back the environment development that Coloradans. need and want, stated Margaret Kran-Annexstein, Director of the. Colorado Sierra Club.

Chevron and Occidental deferred to the Colorado Oil and Gas. Association for remark.

Political and legislative stability and certainty is vital. to our industry's future success here, and we're pleased to see. our state's politicians share that vision, said Dan Haley. Colorado Oil and Gas Association President and CEO.

The compromise will likewise money efforts to top abandoned and. low producing wells and set new emissions reduction targets.

The state currently has a few of the country's stiffest. guidelines on methane emissions. The prospect of additional. guidelines has still drawn some criticism from the market.

The Guv requires to provide our regulative systems a chance. to work before agreeing to any more guidelines, stated Rich. Frommer, retired CEO of Great Western Petroleum, and current. director of 2 Colorado based energy companies.