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Petrobras profits miss stirs criticism of pricing policy

Weakerthanexpected revenues at Brazil's staterun oil firm Petrobras drew criticism on Tuesday from market groups of a pricing policy that has kept fuel costs in Brazil more steady than in the international market for much of the previous year.

Petrobras shares traded about 1.4% lower in Tuesday trading after the company reported a 38% drop in its first-quarter outcomes to 23.9 billion reais ($ 4.66 billion), missing expert forecasts.

After years of frequent price updates to follow international markets, Petrobras enacted in May 2023 a brand-new rates policy cheered by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has actually pressed the firm to keep down pump costs as part of its required to serve the country.

In December, the government likewise increased the needed biodiesel blend into diesel to 14% from 12%.

Both changes have actually injured profits at Petrobras, said Evaristo Pinheiro, president of Refina Brasil, a market group representing private refineries. From last May to March 2024, the company could have scheduled an additional 9 billion reais in revenue if it had actually sold fuel at parity with global markets, said Pinheiro.

In simply the very first quarter of this year, the variation cost Petrobras about 3.5 billion reais in inevitable revenue, according to Sergio Araujo, president of Brazilian fuel importers association Abicom.

One thing that is a consensus is that the prices of diesel and gas ought to be adjusted, said Aldren Vernersbach, an economist at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro focused on the oil and gas sector.

Petrobras sales director Claudio Schlosser told reporters on an incomes call that the company is not holding down fuel prices, but rather acting on its business method.

In a call with analysts, Petrobras' Chief Financial Officer Sergio Leite confirmed the effect of the biodiesel blend on the company's results. He likewise stated lower earnings margins was because of pressure from Russian diesel arriving in the Brazilian market.

Leite stated the firm continuously evaluates its business method, and that present fuel rates permit it to stay profitable.

Petrobras stated in a Monday release that the weaker revenues were mainly due to reduce sales, a drop in oil prices and a. slimmer earnings margin for diesel sales compared to the end of. 2023. The company also blamed a weaker currency exchange rate.