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Air New Zealand to purchase green fuel from Finland's Neste to satisfy net-zero targets

Air New Zealand on Monday signed its largest deal for sustainable air travel fuel (SAF),. with Finlandbased petroleum refiner Neste, in a bid. to decarbonize and meet its netzero carbon emission targets.

The deal involves the purchase of nine million liters of the. green fuel, which will be produced at Neste's Singapore refinery. and supplied to Los Angeles International Airport between April. 1 and Nov. 30, 2024, the airline stated in a statement.

The choice comes weeks after Air New Zealand sought out. startups in the SAF sector to become its supply partner.

The SAF is expected to deliver a decrease of carbon. emissions by approximately 80% over the life process of the fuel compared. to using fossil jet fuel, which includes its production too. as transport emissions, the airline company stated in a declaration.

The airline anticipates it would require SAF to comprise around. 20% of its overall fuel uptake by 2030 as it intends to reduce carbon. intensity by 28.9% by the end of the years and accomplish net-zero. carbon emissions by 2050.

Air travel produces about 2% of the world's emissions and is. thought about one of the hardest sectors to decarbonise, even as. worldwide regulators attempt to increase making use of sustainable fuel.

Sustainable aviation fuel is currently the only option to. considerably reduce emissions from long haul flight, but it. currently makes up less than 1% of the international fuel supply, Air. New Zealand Chair Dame Therese Walsh stated.