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Philippines prompts China to enable analysis of challenged South China Sea shoal

The Philippines challenged China on Monday to open Scarborough Shoal to global analysis after it accused Beijing of ruining the shoal's. marine environment.

Maritime tension has been increasing in the South China Sea. in between Manila and Beijing, as the Philippines has actually implicated China. of using water cannon and blocking manoeuvres through disputed. shoals and reefs.

Control of the Scarborough Shoal, taken by China in 2012,. figured in the Philippines case at a Hague arbitration tribunal,. which ruled in 2016 that Beijing's claim to 90% of the South. China Sea had no basis in international law.

We are alarmed and concerned about the situation that's. occurring there, Philippine National Security representative. Jonathan Malaya informed a press conference.

Government consensus was growing on the need to submit a case. versus China over the damage of reef, including the. harvesting of endangered giant clams, in the South China Sea,. Malaya included.

Pictures taken by the Philippine coast guard from. 2018 to 2019 revealed individuals it stated were Chinese anglers. illegally harvesting giant clams, sting rays, topshells and sea. turtles depleting the shoal's marine environment.

That's a clear evidence of being reckless. They don't. really care about the marine environment, Jay Tarriela, the. coast guard spokesperson, informed Monday's conference.

If you actually believe in what you're stating, open up Bajo. de Masinloc to international analysis, it has to be a 3rd. celebration, Malaya said, utilizing Manila's name for the Scarborough. Shoal.

Recently, China's coast guard published guidelines to impose a. 2021 law allowing authorities to fire on foreign vessels when. its sovereignty and sovereign rights are infringed.

China's foreign ministry stated on Monday if there is no. illegal behaviour by the individuals and bodies involved, there. is no need to worry.

But Malaya stated China had no authority over the high seas. and the most recent guidelines went contrary to international law,. dismissing them as a scare method to frighten and coerce. Asian neighbours.

The Philippines will not be intimidated nor pushed by the. Chinese Coast Guard. We will never ever succumb to these scare. methods, he said.