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Joblessness among Saudi people is up to 7.1% in Q2

Joblessness among Saudi residents continued to decrease in the 2nd quarter, being up to 7.1%, according to federal government information released on Monday, below 7.6% in the previous quarter, and from 8.5% in the exact same period a. year earlier.

The general rate of joblessness, which includes migrant. workers, was up to 3.3% in Q2, down from 4.1% in the previous year. period, the General Authority for Stats said.

More than 60% of Saudi people are under the age of 30, and. task creation - especially in the economic sector - is an essential focus. of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's Vision 2030 programme,. which seeks to promote the economy and diversify it away from. oil.

According to the most recent data, 95.5% of unemployed Saudi. citizens want to accept task deals in the private sector.

A steady loosening of some social limitations as well as. labour market reforms have actually likewise encouraged more women into the. labor force.

Saudi female joblessness was up to 12.8% in Q2, down from. 14.2% in Q1, with the females's labour market participation rate. already going beyond the 30% target set for 2030. It stood at. 35.4% in Q2.

The general labour force participation rate among Saudi. citizens has actually however had a hard time to increase substantially above. the 50% mark: it stood at 50.8% in Q2, similar to Q2 of 2023.

In its recent nation report, the International Monetary.

(source: Reuters)