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Iran's parliament authorizes Pezeshkian's unity cabinet

Iran's parliament authorized President Masoud Pezeshkian's 19 ministers on Wednesday, state media reported, paving the way to a. cross-factional cabinet showing his concentrate on consensus after. days of dispute.

In contrast to previous President Ebrahim Raisi's hardline. team, the new cabinet consists of reformist figures such as Health. Minister Mohammadreza Zafarqandi, who secured his position. in spite of getting the lowest number of votes, at 163.

Approval of the ministerial line-up is not a rule. One. minister proposed in 2021 by Raisi, who died in a helicopter. crash in May, lost the confidence vote due to doing not have. experience, meaning a various name had to be prepared in.

The roadway to our redemption is unity and solidarity,. Pezeshkian said on Wednesday in his speech to the 285. parliamentarians present to provide their vote of confidence to the. cabinet, which had been disputed considering that Saturday.

Farzaneh Sadeq was authorized as minister of roadways and. transportation, becoming the only 2nd female cabinet minister. because the Islamic Republic's facility in 1979.

Mohsen Paknejad was authorized as minister of oil. He served. as deputy minister of oil for the supervision of hydrocarbon. resources from 2018 to 2021.

The oil minister told parliament he would actively pursue. the concern of joint fields with neighbouring countries and boost. oil output to 4 million barrels each day by March 2025.

Abbas Araqchi was authorized as minister of foreign affairs. with 247 votes, after convincing parliamentarians cautious of his. essential function in negotiating Tehran's 2015 nuclear contract with 6. world powers.

During considerations with the parliament, Araqchi asserted. that he holds the very same world view he held during his time. serving with the Revolutionary Guards and revealed assistance for. a 2020 parliamentary bill hardening Iran's nuclear stance.

The United States under President Donald Trump withdrew in. 2018 from the nuclear accord in between Iran and 6 world powers. which limited Tehran's nuclear programme. Indirect talks. between the U.S. and Tehran to restore the deal and lift pricey. U.S. sanctions on Iran have actually stalled.

In his last address to parliament on Sunday, Araqchi. worried that Tehran would continue its policy of good. neighbourliness and settlements to lift sanctions.

China, Russia, Africa, Latin America and East Asia are. priority regions in our foreign policy, Araqchi stated at the. time, adding that Europe might end up being a priority if it changed. its hostile behaviour and that relations with the U.S. would. entirely be notified by conflict management.

(source: Reuters)