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Russia's April oil and gas budget plan earnings down 6% from March

Proceeds from oil and gas sales for Russia's federal spending plan fell 6% in April from March to 1.23 trillion roubles ($ 13.47 billion), financing ministry data revealed on Monday, however practically doubled from the very same month a year back.

The proceeds slipped on a regular monthly basis as profit-based tax decreased, while state subsidies to refineries increased.

The figures were broadly in line with ' calculations.

Oil and gas earnings, which accounts for around a 3rd of total budget earnings, leapt 90% from April 2023, nevertheless.

Mineral extraction tax (MET) proceeds rose to 1.08 trillion roubles in April from 995 billion roubles in March.

Damper payments - a kind of aid to oil refineries to motivate them to sell on the domestic market instead of exporting at a greater price - increased in April to 187.2 billion roubles from 164.4 billion roubles in March.

For 2024 as an entire, the federal government has actually budgeted for federal revenue of 11.5 trillion roubles from oil and gas sales, a 30%. increase from 8.82 trillion roubles in 2023, reversing the 24%. decrease that year brought on by weaker oil prices and dropping gas. exports due to Western sanctions.