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Oil majors offered quicker Nigerian exit if they pay for clean-up

Significant oil business such as Exxon Mobil and Shell that aim to exit Nigeria's onshore oil can get quicker approval to do so if they take responsibility for spills instead of wait for authorities to assign blame, the regulator stated on Friday.

Exxon, Shell, TotalEnergies, and Eni have all sought to leave Nigeria's oil-rich Niger delta in current years citing security concerns, including theft and sabotage, to concentrate on deepwater drilling. Nevertheless, their exits have actually been postponed by regulatory difficulties.

At a conference with the business in Abuja, Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) primary Gbenga Komolafe offered a short-term choice with faster approval if the companies dedicate to cleaning up spills and compensating communities.

We have the undertaking here. The authorization here though fixed for June, might be much shorter, he said.

If you agree to take that option, you sign the undertaking understanding that there are commitments to be fulfilled, Komolafe stated.

The second long-lasting option involves waiting for NURPC to identify and designate all liabilities, possibly postponing the final approval up until August.

NURPC is looking for to stabilize a faster exit for oil majors with safeguarding the environment, local neighborhoods, and the long-lasting practicality of the possessions.

The business are reviewing the choices and will respond quickly, they said.

Analysts say the accelerated alternative could cost oil majors countless dollars for cleanups and reparations.

The risk with option 1 is the transferor will continue to take obligation for the possession up until the procedure is completed while option 2 puts them at the mercy of the regulator considering that they waived their right to considered approval, said Ayodele Oni, energy lawyer at Lagos-based Bloomfield law firm.

The departure of the majors means an overall of 26 onshore blocks are on deal, holding an estimated reserve of 13.76 billion barrels of oil, 2.70 billion barrels of condensate, and about 90,717 billion cubic feet of gas, NUPRC stated.

We aim to guarantee that the business that take over these blocks have the required financial resources and have the technical know-how required to properly handle the blocks throughout their lifecycle in accordance with good possession stewardship practices, Komolafe stated. NUPRC has engaged 2 worldwide oil and gas decommissioning consultants, S&P Global Product Insights and Boston Consulting Group, to carry out due diligence on the assets to be divested.