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Rising hydropower to weigh on China's coal demand, market group says

A sharp increase in China's. hydropower generation from late April is most likely to continue,. causing lowerthanexpected demand for coal in power plants,. a coal market association said on Wednesday.

Hydropower output in the last third of the month was up. 42.9% year on year and is very likely to preserve double-digit. growth, China Coal Transport and Distribution Association. expert Feng Huamin told a market seminar, including that. drought-stricken Yunnan province in the south has had more rain. just recently.

Following the beginning of the flood season,. hydropower's capture on thermal power generation will gradually. end up being more apparent, Feng said, adding that the continued. ramp-up in eco-friendly capacity will also eat into coal's share of. power generation.

Water levels and reserves at the Three Gorges Dam, the. world's greatest hydropower plant, in central Hubei province,. were up 47.8% year-on-year as of Tuesday, he included.

China's flood season is typically in May and June however it started. early this year, as parts of southern China experienced. record-breaking rains in late April.