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Asia Gold-India discount rates at seven-week high as buyers avoid high rates

Gold discounts in India surged to a. sevenweek high this week as rising rates hurt need, while. traders and experts kept in mind that Asian customers would likely. use any cost declines.

Jewellers are hesitant to make purchases above $2,500 per. ounce and are waiting on prices to come down, stated a. Mumbai-based dealership with a private bullion importing bank.

Spot gold rates were trading around $2,520 per ounce, simply. shy of the all-time high of $2,531.60.

In India, the world's second-largest gold consumer and a. significant importer, domestic costs were ruling around. 72,000 rupees per 10 grams, after hitting a four-month low of. 67,400 rupees on July 25.

Indian dealers used a discount rate << XAU-IN-PREM > of up to $13. an ounce over main domestic prices, inclusive of 6% import. and 3% sales levies, up from the recently's $8 discount rate.

Sentiments amongst retail buyers have changed since the duty. cut. They are becoming accustomed to the present cost level. We. expect strong sales during the approaching festival season,. said Saurabh Gadgil, chairman of Pune-based P N Gadgil. Jewellers.

In July, India slashed import responsibilities on gold to 6% from 15%,. a step targeted at taking on smuggling.

Chinese demand stays dull amidst record prices and jewellery. demand has actually taken a hit with off take, specifically in Hong Kong,. seeing fairly light need, independent expert Ross Norman. said.

Chinese dealerships << XAU-CN-PREM > offered discounts of as much as $8. while in Hong Kong dealerships offered gold between a discount rate of $0.50. and a $1 premium << XAU-HK-PREM >.

However, after a prolonged period of lacklustre need, any. substantial decrease in prices is most likely to be met great. physical buying, supplying a cost flooring to the marketplace, Norman. stated.

Gold was sold in between at par level and a $2.20 premium. << XAU-SG-PREM > in Singapore and in Japan << XAU-TK-PREM >, it was. sold in between par and a premium of $0.50.

Earlier in the week, when costs dipped, there was some. retail purchasing, stated Brian Lan at Singapore-based dealer. GoldSilver Central.

(source: Reuters)