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Russia's Nornickel plans to build a PGMs refinery in Bahrain, source states

Russian metals huge Nornickel plans a joint task for building and construction of a platinum group metals (PGMs). refinery in Bahrain, a source knowledgeable about the matter told. on Thursday.

Nornickel is the world's biggest manufacturer of palladium. and a significant manufacturer of platinum, representing 41% and 12% of. international mine output, respectively. Both metals are primarily used. in vehicle exhausts to neutralise hazardous engine emissions, and. platinum is likewise utilized in jewellery.

The source did not supply the job's amount of time or. the refinery's production capability.

King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain held talks with. Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin earlier on. Thursday. In a comment to state TV after the talks, Russian. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak stated that Nornickel plans. to develop a platinum production plant in Bahrain.

Novak provided no extra information. Nornickel declined to. comment.

Nornickel has not been straight targeted by Western. sanctions imposed on Moscow since

Russia assaulted Ukraine

in 2022, but some of the Russian rare-earth elements. refineries, which also normally manage PGMs, were.

Britain, for example,


sanctions on Russia's biggest, state-owned refinery. Krastsvetmet in November as London targeted Russia's gold. industry.

Sanctions imposed on Moscow over the last two years. damaged Nornickel's logistics, typical trade flows, money. transfers and purchases of imported equipment. The company,. which likewise produces nickel and copper, has been


its production and sales technique looking for methods to alleviate the

