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Copper hits record high up on China's home assistance procedure

Prices of copper hit record highs in London and Shanghai on Monday on property stimulus steps and betterthanexpected commercial output information in China, in addition to systematic buying.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange rose 2.7% to $10,959.50 per metric heap by 0158 GMT, having actually risen as much as 4.1% earlier in the session to a historic high of $ 11,104.50.

The most-traded July copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange climbed up 5% to 87,470 yuan ($ 12,099.04) a load. Previously in the session, it was up 6.8% to a record high of 88,940 yuan a heap.

China on Friday announced historical steps to stabilise its crisis-hit residential or commercial property sector, with the central bank helping with 1 trillion yuan in extra funding and easing home loan guidelines, and local governments set to purchase some apartments.

China's industrial output grew 6.7% year-on-year in April, accelerating from the 4.5% rate seen in March and above the 5.5%. boost tipped in a poll of experts, helped by. improving external demand.

The commercial sector takes in a big quantity of base. metals.

A trader said the metal cost rally on Monday was. worsened by methodical traders who merely went after the higher. costs.

The futures rates, nevertheless, do not reflect an improvement. in demand in the physical copper market. The premium to import. copper into China's Yangshan location was at no on Friday,. compared to $60 in March, showing weak import demand. << SMM-CUYP-CN >

SHFE copper stocks << CU-STX-SGH > have risen in. the past two months, in spite of May being China's traditionally. strong copper demand season. Stockpiles were last at 290,376. tons, compared to 33,130 loads at the start of the year.

LME aluminium rose 0.4% to $2,623.50 a heap, zinc. climbed 0.9% to $3,057.50, lead increased 0.8%. to $2,301.50, tin edged up 0.4% at $34,375 and nickel. was up 0.1% at $21,100.

SHFE aluminium increased 1% to 21,035 yuan a load, nickel. jumped 4% to 156,320 yuan, zinc advanced 2% to. 24,255 yuan, lead increased 0.4% to 18,810 yuan and tin. was up 2.2% at 280,750 yuan.

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n/a UK Home Cost Rightmove MM, YY May