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British Business - May 6

The following are the top stories on the business pages of British papers. has not confirmed these stories and does not attest their accuracy.

The Times

Retail financiers could get a benefit share in NatWest Plc if they hold on to the stock for a minimum of a year.

Heineken is investing 39 million pounds ($ 48.92. million) to resume 62 long-closed clubs and upgrade more than 600. of the maker's existing locations in the UK.

The Guardian

The UK and Scottish governments have been asked to set up. immediate talks over the future of Petroineos, a joint endeavor. formed between PetroChina Co Ltd and Ineos, which is. managed by billionaire Jim Ratcliffe.

The UK has set up a record number of public electric car. battery chargers this year, according to quarterly figures from data. business Zapmap published by the Department for Transportation.

The Telegraph

Downing Street has shelved prepare for a general election this. summer, with an autumn vote now commonly anticipated after Tory regional. election defeats.

Sky News

ArcelorMittal has told Britain's Levelling Up,. Housing and Communities Secretary Michael Gove that it might be. required to stop operations in Britain unless he blocks the. redevelopment of Chatham Docks.

Graeme McCormick has actually taken out of the race to end up being SNP. leader and rather endorsed rival John Swinney as Scotland's. next very first minister.

The Independent

The SNP leader-in-waiting John Swinney has actually said he. believes Labour leader Keir Starmer would do a deal with his. party after the next general election.