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Zimbabwe's sole nickel mine put under administration

Zimbabwe's only operating nickel mine was on Thursday put under administration, according to a government notification, seven months after halting production due to equipment failure and low prices.

Zimbabwe's government owns 70% of Bindura Nickel Corporation's Trojan Nickel Mine which employs about 1,100 people according to Bindura's most current yearly report.

The reconstruction order was published on Thursday in the Government Gazette which also revealed the appointment of an administrator.

Trojan is Zimbabwe's only main nickel manufacturer, though the nation's platinum miners also produce the metal which is mainly utilized in steelmaking.

Nickel prices have fallen from record levels above $100,000. in 2022 when they were driven by expectations of lowered. products from major producer Russia following its invasion of. Ukraine, to around $19,000 per load in the currently oversupplied. market. Prices are currently 25% down on their levels a year. earlier.

Low prices have actually required leading international producer BHP Group. to evaluate its nickel business, alerting that 30% of. Australian mine capacity had gone offline and another 30% was in. problem due to the capture on margins.

Trojan mine's nickel concentrate output plunged to 1,314. metric lots in its last fiscal year, which ended in March. 2024, below 3,180 metric lots the year before.

This wanted the mine suspended operations last September. following the damage suffered by its ore raising equipment. during a seismic event. The mine has capability to produce 5,500. metric lots of nickel concentrate each year.

On April 29, the business stated while it had managed to. install brand-new ore raising equipment, it would delay rebooting mining. operations due to low prices and high expenses of inputs such as. electrical power.

BNC requires to mobilise the requisite capital for retooling,. with specific focus on increasing the schedule of. underground mining mobile equipment and the processing plant,. it stated on Thursday.

Trojan mine started production in 1964 under the Anglo. American group which offered the possession in 2003.

(source: Reuters)