Latest News

Canada - May 22

The following are the top stories from selected Canadian newspapers. has actually not confirmed these stories and does not guarantee their accuracy.


- Canada-based garage door maker Garaga Inc has actually collaborated with Fonds de solidarité FTQ and Quebec's investment arm, Investissement Québec, to purchase Novatech Group for more than $500. million offer, Globe and Mail reported, mentioning two sources. familiar with the transaction.

- Canadian oil producer Suncor Energy gets steam. on a retail technique to change 20 percent of its network,. that includes methods to rebrand Canadian Tire gasoline station. to Petro-Canada and sell underperforming gasoline station as it aims. to provide $200 million in limited development by the end of 2026.

- Solaris Resources has ditched strategies to sell a. minority stake to China's Zijin Mining Group because. it feared the offer was unlikely to satisfy Canada's strict. foreign- financial investment requirements in a prompt manner, the Canadian. company said on Tuesday.


- Canada's Housing Minister Sean Fraser stated he is attempting to. coax big city mayors to keep development charges steady with new. federal financing after some significant Canadian cities just recently raised. costs for new real estate building.