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Haiti fuel terminal operations stopped as gangs seize trucks, source states

AUPRINCE, April 22 () Operations at Haiti's primary fuel import terminal were suspended on Monday as armed guys took trucks and required the port be closed down, according to a source with details on the matter, likely exacerbating existing fuel scarcities.

The source said gangs had actually blocked off numerous roads leading to Varreux.

Fuel stays hard to discover in Port-au-Prince, on and off, stated a spokesperson from the U.N. World Food Programme, caution of long queues at filling station.

We have stock at the minute, and continue to supply fuel to humanitarian partners operating in Haiti, the spokesperson stated.

Armed gangs from the G9 alliance already obstructed the Varreux terminal for almost a month in October 2021, and once again a year later on for more than a month, halting most financial activities and prompting the federal government to require a foreign intervention.

With a lot of companies unable to keep power without their diesel generators, under the previous blockades health centers were forced to close down, radio stations stopped programming, mobile antennas lacked fuel and transport was brought to a stop.

G9 leader Jimmy Barbeque Cherizier has stated he wants unelected Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign, but since Henry announced his intention to resign on March 11, he has mentioned a more comprehensive revolution against the elites and gang attacks in the capital have actually increased.

He had likewise formerly announced a more comprehensive alliance of gangs, called Viv Ansanm (Cohabiting).

Local media reported that Viv Ansanm gangs were battling police around the National Palace on Monday. A transition council indicated to introduce a brand-new federal government is set to be sworn in at the palace, though a date has yet to be verified.

Although the United Nations six months ago approved the intervention Henry had actually requested back in 2022, this has considering that been postponed. Pending a new federal government, Henry stays nominally in charge though the federal government is mostly absent.

Meanwhile, the U.N. estimates hundreds of thousands are internally displaced - fleeing arson, kidnappings, indiscriminate killings and sexual violence - and millions are going hungry as gangs tighten their grip on the country.