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Russia cuts fuel oil supplies by rail for export by 5% in Apr m/m

Russia reduced fuel oil supplies by rail for export through ports and border crossings by 5%. in April from March to 2.277 million metric heaps amid refinery. upkeeps and seasonal usage of rivers, according to market. sources and estimations.

Russia's primary oil refining capability idled due to. maintenance, technical blackouts and drone attacks increased in. April by nearly 14% from March to 4.527 million tons.

In Between April and November, refineries utilize inland waterways. as an alternative to railways to deliver oil items to Black. Sea and Baltic Sea ports, as well for ship-to-ship loadings.

The Baltic Sea port of Ust-Luga remained the main. location for Russian fuel oil in April, managing some 60% of. overall products.

Nevertheless, fuel materials to the terminal by rail fell last. month by 5% from March to 1.363 million heaps.

Fuel oil shipment through rail to the Baltic sea port of. Vysotsk dropped 33% in April from March to 142,074 heaps, while. those to St Petersburg increased 28% to 182,755 tons.

Export supplies of fuel oil by rail to the Black Sea port of. Novorossiisk fell 13% last month from March to 277,304 heaps.

Fuel oil shipment by means of rail to the domestic market fell. 3.7% in April month-on-month to 665,057 heaps, information from sources. showed.

From January-April, fuel oil products via rail for export. fell 6.9% from the exact same period in 2015 to 9.821 million heaps,. according to the sources and computations.