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Italy curbs installation of solar panels on agricultural land

Italy's rightwing coalition on Monday passed rules curbing the setup of solar panels on farming land, ministers stated, in a relocation that activated criticism as it could weaken Rome's decarbonisation objectives.

The new guidelines, part of a broader bundle of steps to safeguard farming and fisheries, included a ban on the setup of photovoltaic systems with modules put on the ground in locations classified as farming.

We put an end to the wild installation of ground-mounted photovoltaic (panels), Farming Minister Francesco Lollobrigida informed a news conference after the cabinet conference that approved the measures.

Agricultural lobbies-- essential advocates of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's conservative government-- had actually long required limitations to the panels, stating they were incompatible with cultivation.

In contrast, ecological associations accused the government of undermining green objectives agreed with partners from the Group of Seven (G7) rich countries.

Recently, at the end of a conference of G7 energy ministers, Italy dedicated to triple set up renewable resource capability by 2030 and stage out coal-fired power plants in the first half of the next decade.

Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin-- who government officials said had at first opposed the strategy-- informed press reporters the new curbs would not jeopardise a government objective to install around 38 GW by 2030 through photovoltaic plants.

Lollobrigida said the scheme does not target agri-voltaic projects, which put solar panels over fields and vineyards to get double usage out of the land by producing power throughout periods of heavy sunlight, while still enabling crops to grow.

The government's bundle is now based on analysis by both houses of Parliament, which are permitted to modify it.

Limits on solar plants could negatively impact energy business consisting of ERG and ALERION, which have growth targets in the solar sector, monetary analysts at Italian broker Equita said.

On the other hand, a downturn in the advancement of solar capability might be positive for power generators consisting of Enel, A2A and IREN, which might suffer pressure on prices if solar power speeds up, the experts said.

Italy in 2015 included almost 6 gigawatt