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US natgas flows rise to 3-week high as Texas Freeport pulls in more fuel - LSEG

The amount of gas streaming to the 7 U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) export plants was on track to rise by about 5% to a threeweek high up on Monday as Freeport LNG in Texas started to pull in more feedgas, information from monetary company LSEG revealed.

The start-up and shutdown of Freeport and other U.S. LNG export plants often has a significant effect on worldwide gas rates.

Expectations that gas materials will increase with the return of Freeport helped cut costs at the European Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) criteria by around 4% to a. two-week low of $8.80 per million British thermal units (mmBtu). on Monday.

In the U.S., meanwhile, prices climbed up about 2% to a. seven-week high of $1.95 per mmBtu at the Henry Hub. standard in Louisiana on expectations demand for the fuel to. supply gas for LNG exports will rise.

Overall feedgas to all of the country's huge LNG export plants. was on track to increase from 12.2 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd). on Sunday to an initial three-week high of 12.9 bcfd on. Monday on indications that a minimum of one of the three liquefaction. trains at Freeport LNG was leaving a blackout.

That increase came as the quantity of gas flowing to Freeport. increased to a two-week high of 0.8 bcfd on Monday, up from 0.3 bcfd. on Sunday. That compares to nearly no gas streams to the plant. over the prior four days (April 24-27).

Each Freeport train can turn about 0.7 bcfd of gas into LNG.

One billion cubic feet suffices gas to supply about 5. million U.S. homes for a day.

Authorities at Freeport had no discuss the current increase. in feedgas.

In late March, Freeport stated it expected two of the three. liquefaction trains at the plant, Trains 1 and 2, to remain shut. till May for maintenances, while Train 3 was. operating.

Train 3, however, shut around April 11 and feedgas to the. plant has averaged about 0.1 bcfd since then.