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Italy's Government adopts a plan to return to nuclear energy

The Italian government adopted a new law on Friday that will allow the return of nuclear energy, almost 40 years after its ban by referendum. Prime Minister Giorgia Mello described it as a move towards energy security and independence.

The law, approved by the parliament, gives the mandate to the government to issue detailed transition decrees. Last month, Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin stated that he expects the process to be complete by end-2027.

Meloni, in a video after a cabinet session, said that the government had approved "another important measure" to guarantee clean, safe and low-cost energy, which can ensure energy security as well as strategic independence.

Italy's aim is to decarbonise and produce nuclear energy using advanced modular reactors. The government claims that technological and safety advances have rendered the 1987 nuclear power ban obsolete.

The report estimates that it could save 17 billion euro ($17.69billion) by 2050 on the costs of decarbonising an economy if nuclear energy made up at least 11 percent of the energy mix. According to the national energy and climate plans, this portion could reach 22%.

According to an energy ministry presentation on Friday, the law will specify how the new modules should be operated and commission research into the technologies required.

The law would also allow for the decommissioning of old nuclear power plants in Italy, and the establishment of an independent authority that will supervise this sector.

Italy has retained its expertise in the nuclear industry. Enel, a state-controlled utility in Spain, operates nuclear power plants. Energy major Eni has invested in a project in the United States to develop a nuclear reactor.

Pichetto Fratin stated last year that Italy is in talks with a number of companies, including the U.S. Energy Group Westinghouse as well as France's EDF. These companies are potential partners in a state-backed firm that will build advanced reactors in Italy.

The Italian newspapers Il Sole 24 Ore and Corriere della Sera reported earlier this month that the state-backed firm, which would include Enel Ansaldo, and Leonardo, and study options for small nuclear reactors was nearing formation.

(source: Reuters)