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As drought types cravings in Guatemala, farming program objectives to assist

D rought and crop failure are a prevalent hazard in Guatemala where cravings and poor nutrition run rampant, especially in rural locations a truth that worldwide aid programs are attempting to curb.

Employees from the U.N.'s World Food Program are aiming to train people in Guatemala's rural countryside on sustainable farming practices to assist combat poor nutrition.

Guatemala straddles a region referred to as the Central American Dry Corridor where, over the past decade, dry spells have actually been longer and more extreme, and extreme weather events like typhoons have been causing prevalent damage.

This puts families residing in the Dry Passage, particularly small and medium-sized farmers and Indigenous people, in vulnerable circumstances not able to correctly feed their children.

Guatemala's rate of stunting is consistently among the highest in Latin America, UNICEF information programs. In 2022, 44 percent of kids in Guatemala fell outside of the typical height-for-age variety.

Before we didn't know what fish farming was. There was a. lot of poor nutrition here, said Lilian Ramos, a fish producer in. the Tecuiz community of San Agustin Acasaguastlan, a town in the. Dry Corridor.

Her young kids accompany her to a pond where she tosses. in a net, retrieving numerous fish.

We began with a small well and we saw how we grew little. by little, Ramos added.

The World Food Program training emphasizes making use of. innovation and anticipatory actions to decrease damage to crops. and food sources, allowing community farms to sustain difficult. weather condition challenges and continue producing.

We do see some enhancements ... it is an excellent model. that, even in terms of permeation, is an example for other. nations that are also facing obstacles from environment modification,. stated Tania Goossens of the World Food Program in Guatemala.

(source: Reuters)