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Kobe Steel states it may develop new electrical arc furnace in decarbonisation push

Kobe Steel, Japan's. No. 3 steelmaker, said on Monday it will consider developing a. big electric arc heater to change among its 2 blast. heating systems in Kakogawa, western Japan, in an effort to accelerate. its decarbonisation drive.

We will consider an intro of a large innovative. electrical arc heater which can make high-end steel items,. although it will be done after 2030, President Yoshihiko. Katsukawa informed reporters and analysts.

We do not understand what our final steelmaking structure will be,. however we must make considerations to relocate to a scheme with one. blast heater and one electric furnace, he stated.

Steel production accounts for about 7% to 9% of worldwide. co2 (CO2) emissions, so efforts to lower them is one. of the crucial targets in the fight against climate change.

Under the brand-new 3-year management strategy revealed by Kobe Steel. on Monday, the business aims to make choices on the 300 billion. yen ($ 1.9 billion) financial investment in the next three years to decrease. its CO2 emissions in steel-making and power generation. operations.

But the actual costs will be made after March 2027,. Katsukawa said.

Kobe Steel, which also operates a power generation organization,. strategies to understand a 20% ammonia co-firing with coal in the No. 1. and No. 2 units at its Kobe coal-fired power station towards 2030.