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Swedish utility Vattenfall posts 45% rise in Q1 revenues

Swedish utility Vattenfall on Tuesday reported a 45% rise in its underlying operating profit for the very first quarter of 2024, citing higher achieved power costs and increased power generation.

Underlying incomes before interest and tax at the state-owned energy group increased to 13.9 billion Swedish crowns ($ 1.27 billion) from 9.5 billion a year previously.

We had an actually great quarter and excellent start to the year. The reason for this is generally that we have done hedging of part of our production but also increased production volumes, CEO Anna Borg informed .

Electrical energy generation amounted to 31 terawatt hours (TWh) for the first quarter, up 10% from 28.2 TWh a year previously.

The company sells a few of its future production beforehand to secure costs in a quote to shield it from market volatility.

Vattenfall achieved a rate of 49 euros per megawatt hour ( MWh) for its Nordic power production in the quarter, up from 40 euros/MWh a year previously.

The rise comes against a continued decline in wholesale power prices, specifically in southern Sweden, where prices are affected by developments in continental Europe, Vattenfall stated.

The quarterly standard Nordic system rate for wholesale power balanced 58.48 euros/MWh, below 85.22 euros/MWh seen a. year previously.

Borg highlighted more wind and enhanced French nuclear. output as essential motorists for lower costs, while geopolitical. issues and monetary markets were developing some unpredictability.

We still depend on a great deal of volatility in the market and in. the outcomes, Borg said.

Vattenfall's net revenue for the very first quarter increased 43% to. 16.9 billion crowns from 11.8 billion crowns a year earlier, primarily. due to the greater operating profit.

In addition, the business booked a capital gain of 4.6. billion crowns from the sale of 3 overseas wind tasks off. the English coast to Germany's RWE.