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Biden indications into law ban on Russian atomic power plant fuel imports

President Joe Biden signed into law a ban on Russian enriched uranium on Monday, the White House stated, in the most recent effort by Washington to interrupt President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

The ban on imports of the fuel for nuclear reactor begins in about 90 days, although it enables the Department of Energy to release waivers in case of supply concerns.

Russia is the world's top provider of enriched uranium, and about 24% of the enriched uranium utilized by U.S. nuclear power plants originate from the nation.

The law likewise unlocks about $2.7 billion in financing in previous legislation to develop out the U.S. uranium fuel market.

Today, President Biden signed into law a historical series of actions that will reinforce our nation's energy and economic security by lowering, and eventually getting rid of, our dependence on Russia for civilian nuclear power, Jake Sullivan, the national security advisor, said in a declaration.

Sullivan stated the law provides on multilateral goals we have actually set with our allies and partners, including a promise last December with Canada, France, Japan and the UK to collectively invest $4.2 billion to expand enrichment and conversion capacity of uranium.

The waivers, if implemented by the Energy Department, permit all the Russian uranium imports the U.S. generally imports through 2027.

Anatoly Antonov, Russia's ambassador to the United States, said that Washington's decision is leading to shocks in international economic relations, however will not bring the desired results.

The fragile balance between exporters and importers of uranium items is being interrupted, the Russian embassy in Washington mentioned Antonov as saying in a post on its Telegram messaging channel.

Life has validated that the Russian economy is prepared for any challenges and rapidly responds to emerging difficulties, even drawing out dividends from the situation. It will be so this time too.