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Canada's Pembina plays down possible investment in Trans Mountain pipeline

Canada's Pembina Pipeline Corp. is not investing much time considering financial investment in the. freshly broadened Trans Mountain oil pipeline (TMX) due to. unpredictability around shipping tolls, a company executive stated on. Friday.

Calgary-based Pembina formed a collaboration with an. Native company, Western Native Pipeline Group, in. 2021 to pursue purchasing a stake in the Canadian government-owned. pipeline, however in recent months has soft-pedaled the concept of. buying the job.

From our viewpoint, there still exists an incredible. amount of uncertainty around that property, Cameron Goldade,. Pembina's chief financial officer, stated on an incomes call.

As a financial investment opportunity it's not something we're. spending a lot of time on today.

Ottawa has said it will introduce a divestment process for. Trans Mountain, which began industrial operations last week,. later on this year. Many analysts expect the federal government will. battle to recover its investment.

The pipeline's carriers argue tolls being credited. transport oil are too high, after building and construction expenses ballooned. to C$ 34 billion ($ 24.88 billion), more than 4 times the. original budget.

Canadian regulators will hold hearings this year to. determine final tolls.

TMX will deliver an additional 590,000 barrels per day of crude from. Alberta's oil sands to Canada's west coast and increase gain access to. to markets in Asia and the U.S. west coast.