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IDB and Brazil's public banks to launch Amazon ETF, say sources

The InterAmerican Advancement Bank (IDB) and Brazil's public banks will announce on Thursday the development of an exchangetraded fund (ETF). focused on sustainable financial investments in the Amazon jungle,. said 2 people with direct understanding.

State advancement bank BNDES, Banco do Brasil and. Caixa Economica Federal become part of the initiative,. said the sources, who asked for privacy since plans are not. public.

The goal, according to the sources, was to launch the. Amazonia Brasil ETF in capital markets before the COP30. environment conference in the Brazilian city of Belem next year.

The new fund is expected to replicate a yet-to-be-created. benchmark index, with resources designated to sustainable loans. in the Brazilian Amazon.

Banco do Brasil, Caixa, BNDES and the IDB did not react to. requests for remark.

In 2015, BNDES and the IDB led the launch of a so-called. Green Coalition to promote monetary solutions and motivate. sustainable investments in the area.

According to the sources, the IDB will offer technical and. financial backing to the Brazilian banks for the new ETF.

(source: Reuters)