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Rheinmetall recommends European arms consortium with eye on international function

Rheinmetall drifted the concept of a European arms consortium to much better contend with U.S. competitors as the German defence group set out its global aspirations in a flourishing industry.

The company, a major beneficiary of increasing defence costs given that Russia's major intrusion of Ukraine in 2022, is forecasting record income of more than 10 billion euros ($ 11. billion) this year and its order book to reach 60 billion euros.

We wish to end up being a worldwide player and we can currently. do that on our own thanks to our excellent cash flow, CEO Armin. Papperger told a gathering of the WPV service reporters. association in Duesseldorf late on Thursday.

He stated Rheinmetall would look to push on with its own. acquisitions in the United States, but also suggested producing a. big consortium of European defence business.

I believe that it would make good sense to found a European. system home that has a turnover of around 30, 35 billion. ( euros) so that we can compete with the Americans, that is. certainly possible, Papperger said.

He stated other major players in Europe consisted of Leonardo. , which has a significantly lower market capitalisation. than Rheinmetall, and KNDS from France, but gave no indicator. of any talks to develop a possible consortium.

Papperger included there were presently no discussions between. Rheinmetall and Germany's Thyssenkrupp, which has been. hunting for financial investment into its navy division.


Pressing into the United States, Papperger thinks. Rheinmetall has a good chance to win an agreement to establish a. follower to the Bradley combating lorry in a project that. might be worth more than $45 billion.

However he recommended the bulk of orders to equip Germany's own. military with new fighting cars would go to Finland, where. the Patria defence company is leading the development of a 6x6. armoured automobile that will also be utilized by Finland, Sweden and. Latvia.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government introduced a 100. billion euro unique defence fund in 2022 in what it described. as a Zeitenwende or turning indicate increase its military. spending after Russia's attack on Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Papperger said an extra 30 billion euros a. year was needed.

If these 30 billion euros are not invested ... then the. ( Zeitenwende) will fail, he said.

Papperger stated Rheinmetall was working more profitably and. anticipated its market price could rise to about 50 billion euros. from 22 billion now, though he didn't provide a timeframe.

Rheinmetall shares were up 2.4% at 1055 GMT.