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German gas market alerts over fluctuating assistance for hydrogen ramp-up

German gas and water association DVGW on Wednesday cautioned that a rampup in lowcarbon hydrogen innovation could fall behind as participants feel prevented by regulative and political indecision.

A survey drawn from throughout hydrogen stakeholders in Europe's. greatest economy found that the wanted transition from carbon-. emitting natural gas to hydrogen from renewable electrical power through. electrolysis is feared to be slowing.

Speakers at in an online press conference during DVGW's. annual congress said they anticipated more figured out action and. less bureaucracy to eliminate doubts about high costs and too. little availability.


The Berlin federal government desires nationwide electrolysis capability. of 10 gigawatts (GW) by 2030 amid a raft of other measures. concerning imports, transportation, wholesale markets and storage, to. develop economical brand-new energy, to cut emissions and protect the. long-lasting competitiveness of German industries.

Failure to promote momentum would undermine industries'. confidence, drive up energy expenses and lengthen the burning of. coal, oil and gas.


Matthias Belitz, head of sustainability at chemical market. association VCI: Even a good research and innovation. environment is of little use if the applications are not. competitive. Policymakers must urgently enhance on this.

DVGW chairman Gerald Linke: A clear political dedication. that we can not go without blue hydrogen (originated from gas with. carbon sequestration) to bridge imports spaces ... would be an. crucial signal.

Peter Mueller-Baum, executive at engineering and. machine-building markets' group VDMA: Our companies ... requirement. more dependability and planning security for their investment. choices.

Roderik Hoemann, head of energy and environment at steel. market group WV Stahl: In order to speed applications and. with that, hydrogen demand, in the market,

(source: Reuters)