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La Nina weather condition 71% most likely to develop in Sept-Nov, says US forecaster

There is a 71% possibility of La Nina weather conditions developing throughout the September to November period, a U.S. government forecaster said on Thursday.

The weather conditions are anticipated to persist through the January-March period next year, the National Weather Service's. Climate Forecast Center (CPC) stated in its month-to-month forecast.

WHY IT is essential

La Nina, an environment pattern that begins with. colder-than-normal ocean temperatures in the main and eastern. equatorial Pacific, is linked to both floods and dry spell, as. well as a boost in the frequency of typhoons in the. Caribbean.

La Nina is expected to bring less rain, intensifying dry spell. conditions which could impact farming internationally.


The cycle in between El Nino, La Nina, and a neutral phase. normally lasts two to 7 years.

Previously today, Japan's weather bureau said that there. was a 60% opportunity of a La Nina phenomenon happening from now. until winter season in the Northern Hemisphere.

Brazilian soybean farmers might produce 14% more in the. 2024/2025 season, compared with the previous one, a Reuters survey. revealed, as expectations of more rain in the last quarter of the. year rise.


The farming and livestock sectors are clearly most at. danger from the results of La Niña with much of these areas secret. for the production for crops such as soybeans and corn, David. Oxley, head of environment economics at Capital Economics said.

The typical La Nina might not emerge if the signal is. weak. However, the primary location to expect dryness issues and. crop production reductions is the crop lands of Argentina,. Uruguay and southeast Brazil throughout their summertime, AccuWeather's. lead global forecaster Jason Nicholls said.

(source: Reuters)