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Venezuela gov' t changes oil vice ministers, PDVSA board-official gazette.

Venezuela's government has changed a number of oil vice ministers and the board of state oil business PDVSA, according to the official gazette seen on Wednesday.

The modifications followed cabinet reshuffle recently which included the oil ministry to Vice President Delcy Rodriguez's brief and made Hector Obregon the new president of PDVSA.

Carlos Canelon will be the new vice-minister of refineries and petrochemicals, while Eduardo Ramirez will take control of the oil ministry's integration and worldwide affairs, the gazette dated on Tuesday stated.

Luis Gonzalez is now vice-minister of gas, while Paula Henao will head hydrocarbons.

Also under brand-new leadership are PDVSA's gas subsidiary and state petrochemical company Pequiven.

There are numerous new PDVSA vice-presidents and board members, consisting of Marco Magallanes, as executive vice president, Eduardo Pinto, as vice president for exploration and production and Christiam Hernandez as vice president of finances.

Previous oil minister and PDVSA head Pedro Tellechea, now the minister of industry, altered board members last year in a. bid to increase production.

A year later, PDVSA has slightly recovered output and. exports, assisted by much better conditions for staff and U.S. licenses. to a few of the business's joint endeavor partners.

(source: Reuters)