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China 2024 unusual earths quota development set to slow in the middle of supply glut

Rare earth quotas in China, which the world's leading producer usages to manage supply, are set to increase at a much slower rate this year amid a supply excess, market participants said on Wednesday.

Rare earths are a group of 17 elements utilized in products as varied as lasers, military devices, magnets for electric lorries, wind turbines and consumer electronic devices.

China concerns mining, smelting and separation quotas every year, usually twice in a year, with 2023 seeing an uncommon issuance of 3 batches of quotas.

The quotas are closely kept an eye on by market individuals as an indication of supply.

The mining output quota in 2024 is estimated at 270,000 metric heaps, stated Chen Zhanheng, vice secretary basic at the Association of China Rare Earth Industry, at an industry conference.

That represents a year-on-year increase of almost 6% from the total mining quota at 255,000 tons in 2023, when the yearly growth rate was 21.4%.

Yang Jiawen, an analyst at consultancy Shanghai Metals Market, anticipated the total mining output quota this year to increase to 280,000 heaps, a rise of 9.8% from 2023.

The 2024 unusual earth smelting and separation quota is expected at 254,000 loads, Chen said, an increase of 4.2% from 2023 when the quota grew 20.7% year-on-year.

Beijing in early February unveiled its first unusual earths mining quota in 2024 stood at 135,000 tons, 12.5% higher than its very first quota of 2023. And the rise is smaller than the 19%. year-on-year boost seen in the very first quota released in 2023.

The volumes for the second quota this year will be crucial and. it won't be an easy choice to make for policymakers as the. market has yet to shrug off a supply excess due to the fact that of. weaker-than-expected need so far this year, stated an East. China-based market expert, requesting privacy as he is not. authorised to speak to the media.

If the total quota this year is rising at a similar growing. rate as 2023, costs will feel more downward pressure.

In the first 4 months of 2024, China shipped 18,049.5. tons of rare earths, a year-on-year boost of 10%.

(source: Reuters)