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EU in talks with Germany after criticising gas tariff

The European Commission is continuing talks with Germany over a gas tariff Brussels and other countries have actually said undermines Europe's energy market, the Commission said on Thursday.

Germany's gas levy, which charges its neighbours an extra fee for buying gas from its storage, has actually dealt with criticism from some EU nations, who say it hurts their efforts to stop Russian gas - by making it more pricey to purchase non-Russian gas provided through Germany

The Commission had prepared legal action against Germany. last month over the problem, sources familiar with the matter told .

A Commission representative did not comment on the potential legal action but stated, in the meantime, talks with the German federal government were continuing.

The Commission has encouraged Germany to present a. solution that gets rid of these obstacles and does not impede member. states' efforts to diversify far from Russian gas, the. representative told a routine news conference.

Germany's economy and environment ministry did not immediately. respond to a request for remark.

The ministry has formerly stated the levy was. nondiscriminatory and other EU nations had actually benefited from. Germany quickly filling its vast gas storage.

EU energy commissioner Kadri Simson has actually composed to German. Economy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck, prompting Berlin to. address the issue, the spokesperson stated.

Simson has actually previously stated Germany's levy put the bloc's. uniformity at danger and weakens the EU's gas market. EU single. market guidelines forbid tariffs on trade between member nations.

The German tariff is a tradition of the European energy crisis. that peaked in 2022 after Moscow slashed gas circulations to Europe.

To recoup the billions of euros it spent on buying. non-Russian gas at elevated costs to fill its storage caverns -. the most significant of any nation in the EU - Germany presented what. it described a neutrality charge on gas sales to its neighbours.

The Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary have been. pressing the Commission to act against the German levy.