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Oil executives to host Trump fundraiser in Houston

The leaders of 3 big U.S. oil companies will host a fundraising luncheon in Houston on Wednesday benefiting Donald Trump's governmental project, according to a copy of an invitation seen .

Drillers tend to back Trump's pro-fossil fuel and anti-regulation program and have actually been important of President Joe Biden's efforts to phase out oil and gas in favor of renewables.

The luncheon, which will be held at Houston's Post Oak Hotel, is hosted by Harold Hamm, creator of Continental Resources; Kelcy Warren, executive chairman of Energy Transfer Partners; and Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental Petroleum, according to the invitation.

Trump is set up to speak.

Inquired about the luncheon, Hollub informed she is talking with policymakers from both celebrations to reveal Occidental's support for federal aids for carbon capture technologies that can keep greenhouse gases from the environment.

Carbon capture is expensive and has yet to be shown commercially at scale. Some ecological groups oppose it, arguing it runs the risk of extending the fossil fuel age. Biden broadened carbon capture aids in his 2022 Inflation Decrease Act, part of a suite of steps to fight environment change.

Occidental has bought carbon capture tasks that siphon carbon out of smokestacks, and in 2015 revealed plans to build the world's largest direct air capture facility to draw carbon out of the outdoors.

Officials for Continental and Energy Transfer Partners did not offer comment on the luncheon.

Hamm and Warren are long time fans of Trump, having backed his previous presidential quotes. Hamm served as an informal advisor to Trump during his 2017-2020 term at the White Home.

Trump last month had actually consulted with other oil executives at his luxury Mar-a-Lago hotel in Florida and asked the market for $1. billion to support his current run for president, according to. media reports.