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Putin says gas output increased over four months, oil decreased due to OPEC+ accords

President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that Russian gas output increased by 8% in the first four months of the year to 246.4 bcm.

Putin, attending to a telecasted meeting of senior authorities committed to energy problems, also stated Russian oil output had decreased by 1.8 % in the year to date to 195.7 million loads, a. dip mostly due to production cuts under OPEC+ agreements.

Participating in the conference was Deputy Prime Minister Alexander. Novak, Russia's point man on OPEC+ output quotas, Energy. Minister Sergei Tsivilev, the deputy head of the presidential. administration, Maxim Oreshkin and the head of gas giant. Gazprom, Alexei Miller.

Miller was absent from Putin's delegation during the. president's talks last week in Beijing, where no extra oil. and gas deals were openly announced.

Regardless of sanctions and considerable volatility on international and. local energy markets, the domestic fuel and energy complex is. establishing in a stable style and new export locations are opening. up, Putin told the conference.

And what is critically crucial and a top priority for us is. that it is dependably and completely meeting domestic requirements. Russia's. economy is growing, needs are increasing and they are being fulfilled by. the fuel and energy complex..