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Senegalese prime minister criticises French military bases on area

Senegal's prime minister Ousmane Sonko raised the possibility of closing French armed force bases in the West African country on Thursday in a wideranging speech that likewise touched on the eurobacked CFA franc currency, oil and gas deals and LGBTQ rights.

Sonko, a firebrand politician who acquired power when his carefully picked presidential prospect Bassirou Diomaye Faye won a. definitive triumph in March, is known for criticising viewed. overreach by France in its previous nest.

France has about 350 soldiers in Senegal.

More than 60 years after our self-reliance ... we must. concern the reasons that the French army for instance still. gain from a number of military bases in our country and the. effect of this existence on our national sovereignty and our. strategic autonomy, Sonko stated at a joint conference with the. French left-wing politician Jean-Luc Melenchon in the capital. Dakar.

I repeat here the desire of Senegal to have its own. control, which is incompatible with the lasting existence of. foreign military bases in Senegal ... Lots of countries have. assured defence arrangements, however this does not justify the reality. that a third of the Dakar area is now inhabited by foreign. garrisons.

Neighbours Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have actually pressed out. French troops and turned to Russia for assistance combating jihadist. insurgencies on their area.

They have likewise turned away from West African bloc ECOWAS -. which condemned their coups - and formed their own alliance of. Sahel states.

But Sonko had friendly words for them on Thursday.

We will not let go of our siblings in the Sahel and we will. do everything needed to reinforce the ties, he stated.

He likewise stated Senegal, which shares the euro-pegged CFA franc. currency with seven nations, would like a flexible currency. pegged to a minimum of 2 currencies to assist take in shocks and. support export competitiveness.

Throughout the election project, Faye had actually initially vowed to. abandon the CFA franc however later on backed off his pledge.

Sonko restated promises to renegotiate oil and gas. agreements in Senegal, where production is because of start this. year.

He likewise got in touch with Western countries to show restraint,. regard, reciprocity and tolerance on social matters consisting of. LGBTQ rights and gender equality.

He said homosexuality had constantly existed in Senegal, but the. nation had managed it and would continue to do so according. to its socio-cultural truths.

Senegal and many other African nations can not accept any. fact in legalising this phenomenon..