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Morocco's central bank keeps essential rate at 2.75%.

Morocco's central bank on Tuesday left its benchmark rates of interest the same at 2.75%,. saying borrowing expenses followed the financial and. financial outlook.

Morocco's economic development would drop to 2.8% this year, from. 3.4% in 2015, due to dry spell, the bank stated in a statement. after its quarterly board conference.

The bank added that it expects growth to speed up to 4.4%. next year, assuming an average cereals harvest.

Inflation would slow to 1.3% this year from 6.1% in 2023,. before up ticking to 2.2% in 2025, following a drop in unpredictable. food prices.

These figures stay shrouded in high uncertainty, due to. repeating dry spells and the effect of disputes in Ukraine and. the Middle East on energy prices, the bank said.

An increase in car exports, tourist invoices and remittances. of Moroccans abroad would keep foreign exchange reserves at. 384.3 billion dirhams, or $40 billion, in 2024 and $41 billion. in 2025, enough to cover 5.5 months of import needs.

High tax receipts are anticipated to diminish the fiscal deficit. to 3.9% of GDP in 2025, from a projection 4.4% this year, the bank. said.

The treasury was waiting for a further reduction in interest. rates before releasing a worldwide bond, central bank. guv Abdellatif Jouahri told press reporters later on in the day,. without providing details on the currency or the timing of the. problem.

The central bank expects to give before year's end an. approval of the take control of by Moroccan corporation Saham group. of Société Générale Marocaine de Banques, the fourth biggest. bank in the nation.

In April, France's Societe Generale

(source: Reuters)