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Illegal gold mine rises in Brazil farm state bordering Amazon

As Brazil tries to split down on prohibited gold mining in the Amazon rain forest, thousands of wildcat miners have actually converged on a brand-new prospect in the farm state of Mato Grosso, Greenpeace said on Thursday.

Stunning images of dozens of hectares (acres) of forest stripped of plants and dug up by the miners were taken from a Greenpeace airplane on Wednesday and revealed the mine to be on a. secured Indigenous territory called Sararé.

Greenpeace pointed out federal district attorneys' estimates that there. are 5,000 illegal miners on the site, numbers that have surged. since last year, despite enforcement efforts by cops and the. government's environmental protection agency Ibama.

In July, Sararé area was the target of an operation by. the federal authorities, Ibama and other federal firms to clear. the location and burn the excavating equipment utilized by the miners. However, as the images show, dozens of excavators remain there,. Greenpeace said in a declaration.

Under Brazil's constitution, formally acknowledged Indigenous. lands run out bounds for mining and business agriculture.

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has pledged to remove. prohibited mining from Native lands and reduce prohibited. logging to zero by the end of his term in 2026.

In 2015 in the Amazon, his federal government marshaled military. and police forces in an operation to evict thousands of gold. miners from the Yanomami area, Brazil's largest booking. the size of Portugal on its northern border with Venezuela.

However illegal miners, stimulated by record-high gold rates, have. continued to infiltrate the territory, bringing illness and. violence and causing extensive malnutrition amongst the Yanomami,. the biggest relatively separated tribe in South America.

On the Sararé booking, some 250 Indigenous people live. in 7 towns that are now threatened by unlawful mining,. which comes on top of a farming frontier that advances. non-stop into the Amazon forest, opening brand-new soy. plantations.

Information from Brazil's DETER satellite images system that. finds brand-new deforestation and mining sites, reveals that alerts of. brand-new mining locations, called garimpos in Portuguese, soared from. 273 signals of brand-new hectares mined in 2015 in Sararé to 570. hectares in the very first 6 months of this year, Greenpeace stated.

The Sararé area, on 67,000 hectares (165,560 acres) of. ancestral land, is found some 500 km (310 miles) west of the. Mato Grosso state capital of Cuiabá and near the border with. Bolivia.

The nearby town to the reservation is called Conquista.

(source: Reuters)