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Ivory Coast bets on solar as part of renewables drive

Ivory Coast officially opened a 37.5 megawatt (MW) solar energy plant on Wednesday in what the federal government said was the first step of a. strategy to incorporate more renewable energy into the power sector.

Ivory Coast, the world's leading cocoa producer, is seeking to. end up being a significant power supplier in West Africa.

It produces most of its approximately 2,250 MW of power from oil. and gas and already exports electrical power to Ghana, Burkina Faso,. Benin, Togo and Mali.

By 2030, the nation desires 45% of its energy mix to consist. of renewable energy.

This is our country's first step in its transitional march. towards clean energy, said Minister for Mines, Power and. Electrical Energy Mamadou Sangafowa Coulibaly throughout the event in. the northern town of Boundiali.

He said Ivory Coast will have included 678 MW from solar power. plants tasks to its power network by 2030.

The state-owned Boundiali Solar energy Plant, located about. 660 km (410 miles) north of the business capital Abidjan,. became operational in June 2023. Authorities hope to extend its. capacity to 83 MW from its existing 37.5 MW by April 2025.

The expansion, which could cost 35.6 millions euros, will be. supported by funding from Germany, according to Ivorian energy. authorities.

(source: Reuters)