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Vietnam weighs resuming nuclear power advancement plans

Vietnam is thinking about resuming strategies to establish nuclear power to ensure nationwide energy security and to support economic growth, according to a. federal government file reviewed .

The Southeast Asian nation, a regional commercial hub. greatly reliant on coal for power generation, is likewise looking for to. improve its cleaner energy production to meet its net zero target. by 2050.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is to perform research study. on the nuclear power development experience of other nations. and make a proposition to develop nuclear power in Vietnam,. according to the file, which was dated Thursday.

The ministry did not instantly react to an email looking for. comment.

The file stated Vietnam has a target of raising its power. generation capacity by 12% -15% a year to ensure national energy. security ... and support an annual financial growth of 7%.

The nuclear power development proposal will be sent to. the Politburo, the nation's most powerful decision-making body,. for evaluation, according to the file, although no time frame. was provided.

In 2009, Vietnam authorized plans to develop its first two. nuclear reactor, but the strategies were shelved in 2016. following the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe in Japan and due to. budget plan constraints.

The proposed nuclear plants, with an integrated capability of. 4 gigawatts (GW), were prepared to be developed by Russia's Rosatom. and Japan Atomic Power Co in the central province of Ninh Thuan.

The nation has more than the current years been seeking to. develop cleaner energy but its offshore wind and LNG advancement. targets are at risk due to regulative and rates difficulties.

Officials stated Vietnam has for years been thinking about. resuming its nuclear power choice and has actually talked about possible. support from Russian, South Korea, Canada and others on small. reactors.

Nuclear power was not mentioned in the country's. long-awaited master power development strategy that was approved in. May last year. The plan, referred to as PDP8, would raise the. nation's overall installed power generation capability to over 150. GW by 2030 from over 80 GW at the end of in 2015.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is now seeking opinions. to upgrade the PDP8, state media reported previously this month.

The federal government workplace document said appropriate ministries and. agencies had actually also been told to get rid of hurdles facing offshore. wind and gas-fired power advancement, without elaborating.

(source: Reuters)