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Engie first quarter revenue drops on lower gas sales

French energy company Engie said on Friday firstquarter profits fell 3.2% as a. warmer than usual winter season depressed need for gas and. price volatility relieved, outweighing greater hydropower output.

The company, which makes most of its earnings from producing,. carrying and selling gas and electrical energy, said incomes. before interest and tax (EBIT), excluding nuclear, totalled 3.7. billion euros ($ 4.02 billion), versus 3.8 billion euros in the. same period of 2023.

Engie stated it was still targeting annual net recurring. income on a group share basis of 4.2-4.8 billion euros.

Its shares were down 1.7% at 0844 GMT.

Regardless of the strong results, earnings was buoyed by a number of. one-offs that made it challenging to gauge underlying efficiency,. stated JP Morgan analysts in a note.

They included a negative one-off in early 2023 had likewise made. the year-to-year contrast more beneficial for the company.

Revenues at oil and gas companies are still pulling away from 2022. records, when gas rates surged after Russia invaded. Ukraine.

Area gas rates in Europe have actually toppled about 40% in the last. year, struck by mild winter season weather and easing supply worries.

Incomes for the quarter fell 24.6% to 22 billion euros.

Overall, the business said it made 136 million euros less. across distribution networks and sales because winter season. temperature levels in France were greater than typical.

Much of the decrease in incomes from gas sales was balanced out by. Engie's smaller sized however growing renewables organization, with more rain. in Portugal and France boosting output of clean electrical energy from. hydropower.

Its versatile generation system, making up gas plants, pumped. hydropower and batteries, likewise helped, it said.

Engie added 0.7 gigawatts (GW) of eco-friendly capability in the. first quarter, with an additional 7 GW under building from. 68 projects. It likewise signed 300 megawatts of renewable power. purchase agreements.

However, the company said it has been not able to find a purchaser. for its loss-making subsidiary EV Box, that makes electric. lorry charging stations and software, and now intends to sell. off private websites.

It's an activity that has actually suffered over the last few years ... with. the Ukraine crisis and skyrocketing energy costs, plus nationwide. governments revising their aid plans leading to a huge. slowdown in setups, finance chief Pierre-Francois. Riolacci informed journalists.

We have actually done all we could to set the business right, however in. the end it's not our main business, he said, adding, nevertheless,. that it was premature to talk about closures or layoffs for some. 700 workers mostly in the Netherlands.