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$992 mln UK suit versus European power cable groups gets consent

A 790 millionpound ($ 992. million) mass suit against significant European power cable. suppliers over claims a cartel led to inflated electricity. charges for British consumers can continue to trial, a London. tribunal has ruled.

The case seeking damages from Italy's Prysmian, France's. Nexans and Denmark's NKT for around 30 million consumers in. Britain was licensed by the Competitors Appeal Tribunal (FELINE). last month, according to a judgment released on Friday.

Clare Spottiswoode, the previous head of Britain's gas. regulator, is spearheading the lawsuit, which follows on from. the European Commission's 2014 finding that Prysmian, Nexans,. NKT and others had operated a 10-year power cable television cartel.

Her legal representatives argue that the companies overcharged network. operators for cable televisions and that those costs were passed on to. customers, which the defendants reject.

Prysmian, Nexans and NKT's attorneys did not oppose. Spottiswoode's case being licensed at a hearing last month, but. they raised issues over how any damages may be distributed.

The CAT stated the case ought to be licensed subject to. Spottiswoode's lawyers providing more proposals on how any. damages granted would be given to the claimant class.

The lawsuit, worth as much as 790 million pounds consisting of. interest, will now continue towards a complete hearing, though that. is unlikely to take place before completion of 2025 at the earliest.

Spottiswoode said in a statement that she was pleased with. the feline's decision, including: This is an important legal. milestone towards the claim's objective of attaining justice for the. countless UK electricity customers who struggled with the. harmful anticompetitive behaviour of corporates at the top of. the supply chain.

Nexans and NKT did not right away comment. Prysmian did not. instantly respond to an ask for comment.