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UN chief issues 'SOS' for Pacific Islands worst hit by warming ocean

United Nations SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres stated on Tuesday ocean temperatures are rising in the Pacific Islands at three times the rate worldwide, and its population was uniquely exposed to the impact of rising water level.

Talking to press reporters in Tonga where the Pacific Islands Forum is being held, Guterres highlighted the findings of a. report that revealed the South West Pacific was worst struck by sea. level increases, in some places by more than double the global. average in the previous 30 years.

I remain in Tonga to provide a global SOS-- Conserve Our Seas-- on. increasing water level, he stated.

Increasing seas are amplifying the frequency and severity of. storm rises and seaside flooding. These floods swamp coastal. neighborhoods. Ruin fisheries. Damage crops. Infect fresh. water. All this puts Pacific Island countries in grave risk, he. said.

Water broadens as it warms, contributing to water level increase,. he said.

Climate modification and security are controling conversations at. the week-long yearly leaders conference, where the 18 members of. the Pacific Islands Online forum span atoll countries threatened by sea. level rise such as host Tonga, and among the world's biggest. exporters of coal, Australia.

Asked by a reporter about Australia's export of fossil. fuels, Guterres said fossil fuels should be phased out globally,. although the situation in various countries is various and. there would be different ways to do this.

The report launched on Tuesday by the World Meteorological. Company showed ocean temperature levels in the South West Pacific. are increasing at as much as 3 times the rate worldwide.

Pacific islands are distinctively exposed. This is an area with. an average elevation just one to two metres above water level,. Guterres stated.

Half the infrastructure is within 500 metres of the sea,. he included.

Without cuts to global emissions, the Pacific Islands can. anticipate additional water level increase of 15 cm (5.9 inches) by 2050. and 30 days a year of seaside flooding, he said.

He required international leaders to enormously enhance environment. adjustment investments in vulnerable countries.

A loss and damage fund to help bad countries manage. costly environment catastrophes was approved at last year's U.N. climate summit, after years of lobbying by groups consisting of the. Pacific Islands, but the challenge remains to bring in. significant contributions to the fund from wealthier countries.

Developed nations must provide on their finance. dedications-- consisting of the commitment to double adaptation. financing to at least $40 billion a year by 2025, Guterres stated.

(source: Reuters)