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LMEWEEK-Investors' allowance to metals sector seen growing

Allowances by investors to the metals sector is low and has a huge capacity to grow in coming years as the energy transition takes hold, a London Metal Exchange (LME) event heard on Monday.

Products are viewed as a hedge against inflation and even though rate of interest are being cut, inflation is anticipated to settle at higher levels than in the past, said Aline Carnizelo, handling partner at Frontier Commodities in Switzerland.

From the point of view of a pension fund, if you want an inflation-adjusted return, you need a pocket in products, she told the LME Seminar.

We are just at the start of the movement of allowances into products.

Many financiers desire exposure to the energy transition as numerous nations look for to cut carbon emissions to net no by 2050, but most of the present direct exposure remains in equities, said Michael Stewart at Legal & & General Financial Investment Management.

We're having conversations with our financiers that we would not have had 3 or 4 years ago about considering energy transition commodities, he said.

What we're seeing is financiers who have never followed commodities as a strategic allotment.

Some investors who already have energy shift equities in their portfolio could benefit from having metals as a hedge for those stocks, Steward added.

The overall financier allotment to commodities in international portfolios is decreased in the last few years to 1.7%, while the perfect range is 4% -9%, stated Jigna Gibb, head of commodity index items at Bloomberg.

There's a large range of investors, from highly sophisticated pension or insurance coverage clients, all the way down to wholesale and mass market customers. The chance for the upside in financial investment in metals is remarkable, Stewart said.

(source: Reuters)