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US focuses on 10 areas for electric transmission expansion

The Energy Department on Wednesday designated 10 areas around the United States that absence access to electrical energy where it will fast lane permitting to broaden transmission lines and direct billions of dollars in federal loans, the most recent effort by the Biden administration to eliminate barriers to electric energy release.

The Federal Power Act offers the energy secretary the power to choose National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors, which unlocks federal financing and permitting, along with permits authorities to speed up building and construction of electric transmission in locations that need it the most.

The preliminary list of passages could assist bring solar, onshore and offshore wind to the grid - including from the Atlantic Ocean, boost bandwidth in between the largely detached western and eastern power grids and often track existing state highway and transmission lines.


Structure more transmission will play a main part in performing the Biden administration's goal to decarbonize the U.S. power sector by 2035 and assist bring nearly 2,000 MW of tidy energy, which is currently waiting for grid connection, online.


In order to reach our clean energy and environment goals, we've. got to build out transmission as fast as possible to get clean. power from where it's produced to where it's required, said John. Podesta, senior advisor to President Joe Biden for global. environment policy.


Amongst the areas selected are a 540-mile line linking. parts of Colorado, New Mexico and Texas; hundrends of miles. connecting Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and a number of Tribal. nations and a 60-mile line connecting parts of Massachusetts and. New York. The public will have 45 days to discuss the list.

The announcement comes days before the Federal Energy. Regulatory Commission

(source: Reuters)