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US natgas output to decrease in 2024, while need rises to record high, EIA states

U.S. gas production will decrease in 2024 while demand will rise to a record high, the U.S. Energy Info Administration (EIA) said in its Short Term Energy Outlook (STEO) on Tuesday.

EIA forecasted dry gas production will reduce from a record 103.79 billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) in 2023 to 102.99 bcfd in 2024 as a number of manufacturers lower drilling activities after gas costs fell to a 3-1/2- year low in February and March.

In 2025, EIA predicted output would rise to 104.79 bcfd.

The company likewise projected domestic gas usage would rise from a record 89.10 bcfd in 2023 to 89.31 bcfd in 2024 and 89.64 bcfd in 2025.

If the projections are right, 2024 would be the first output decline since 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic cut demand for the fuel. It would likewise be the first time demand increases for four years in a row because 2016.

The current projections for 2024 were lower than EIA's April projection of 103.58 bcfd for supply and 89.92 bcfd for need.

The company forecast typical U.S. melted gas (LNG). exports would reach 12.10 bcfd in 2024 and 14.30 bcfd in 2025,. up from a record 11.90 bcfd in 2023.

That was lower than EIA's 2024 LNG export forecast in April. of 12.15 bcfd.

The company predicted U.S. coal production would fall from. 581.6 million brief loads in 2023 to 499.4 million lots in 2024,. the most affordable given that 1963, and 493.6 million loads in 2025, likewise the. lowest since 1963, as gas and sustainable sources of power. displace coal-fired plants.

The EIA predicted co2 (CO2) emissions from fossil. fuels would decline from 4.794 billion metric lots in 2023 to. 4.783 billion metric lots in 2024 as coal use decreases, and. 4.743 billion metric heaps in 2025 as all nonrenewable fuel source usage. declines.

That compares to 4.584 billion metric tons of CO2 in 2020,. which was the lowest because 1983, as the pandemic sapped need. for energy.