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Italy - Factors to enjoy on April 11

The following elements might impact Italian markets on Thursday.

has not confirmed the paper reports, and can not. guarantee their precision. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary occasions in Italy please click on .


Italy prepares possession sales valued at near to 1% of GDP to keep. its vulnerable state financial resources in check, the Treasury said on. Wednesday, showing it could have diluted previously announced. strategies.

Italy requires to discover 20 billion euros ($ 21.53 billion) to. fund spending plan pledges for next year, brand-new federal government forecasts. show, underscoring the narrow financial path ahead for Prime. Minister Giorgia Meloni's federal government.

ISTAT launches February commercial output information (0800 GMT).


Treasury sells following BTP bonds: 2.75-3.0 billion euros. 2.95% due Feb. 15, 2027; 3.0-3.5 billion euros 3.50% due Feb. 15, 2031; 1.25-1.75 billion euros 4.15% due Oct. 1, 2039. Subscriptions close at 0900 GMT.



Hopes of finding survivors of a mishap at a power plant. in northern Italy are diminishing, firefighters said on Wednesday,. as rescuers searched for 4 individuals missing in an area of the. plant where water was rising quickly.

Enel employees prepare to strike for 8 hours over the concern. on Thursday, while employees in other sectors nationwide will. stage a previously prepared four-hour interruption.


Chinese automobile production in Italy could force some tough. choices for Stellantis including plant closures, the head of. the Franco-Italian group, Italy's sole significant car manufacturer, stated on. Wednesday.

Its brand name Alfa Romeo introduced its very first totally electric. lorry (EV) on Wednesday, expanding the Italian premium brand name's. present range into a smaller-size section with the Milano sport. compact.


Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Jet. and 15 other EU companies, including TIM, have. criticised a proposal that would allow Amazon,. Alphabet's Google and Microsoft to bid for. highly delicate EU cloud computing contracts.


The eyeglasses company and U.S fashion home Marc Jacobs said. on Wednesday they had actually restored their global eyewear licensing. arrangement until Dec. 2031.

( *) SNAM

Lazard property management held 5.073% in the Italian grid. operator as of April 2, a filing by market regulator CONSOB. revealed on Wednesday.


The postal services company chose to hold off to May 15,. from an initially arranged May 8, the board conference due to. approve first-quarter outcomes, day-to-day MF reported on Thursday.

ProSiebenSat.1 has started the process of selling. 2 e-commerce companies, a crucial need from top financier MFE,. the German broadcaster reported on Wednesday, however it reiterated. an appeal to investors to oppose a separation of the company.


The Agnelli household's investment firm reported on Thursday. a 32.7% increase in its Net property value (NAV) in 2023, mainly due to. the efficiencies of Ferrari and Stellantis.

Teleconference expected to follow (0900 GMT).


Annual basic meeting (0730 GMT).


Annual general meeting (1230 GMT).


Rome, European Council President Charles Michel satisfies Prime. Minister Giorgia Meloni ahead of extraordinary leaders top to. be kept in Brussels on April 17-18.

Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti participates in Eurogroup. meeting in Luxembourg.

Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto. Fratin is interviewed by means of videoconference at event Alternative. Sources and Environment Change (0715 GMT).

Milan, G7 Transportation ministers' meeting starts; ends on April. 13. On Thursday Facilities and Transportation Minister Matteo. Salvini invites heads of delegations (1400 GMT); anticipated. attendees consist of Cabinet Undersecretary Alessandro Morelli,. Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) CEO Luigi Ferraris, Autostrade per. l'Italia CEO Roberto Tomasi, Webuild CEO Pietro Salini,. Infrastructure and Transport Deputy Minister Edoardo Rixi,. Amazon The United States And Canada, Europe and Global Operations Vice. President Stefano Perego, Facilities and Transportation Deputy. Minister Galeazzo Bignami, Enel Group CEO Flavio. Cattaneo, Renault Group CEO Luca de Meo, ITA Airways. Chairman Antonio Turicchi.

Verona, Italy-China bilateral forum starts; ends on April. 12. On Thursday day of conferences to conduct the Joint Economic. Commission co-chaired by Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and. Chinese Trade Minister Wang Wentao; followed by Tajani's news. conference (1600 GMT).

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