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Volkswagen's German battery plant to stay at half capability amid cost pressures

Volkswagen's. PowerCo battery subsidiary will construct simply one of 2 planned. assembly line at its Salzgitter plant in Germany for now, its. works council said, as the sector gets used to slowing demand for. electrical vehicles.

Group innovation chief Thomas Schmall on Thursday showed a. staff conference a slide showing prepare for simply one assembly line. at the plant amounting to 20 gigawatt hours of capability, a works. council representative said.

The factory has area for 2 lines but just one is under. construction, with prepare for a second on hold.

This is a clear statement of war on the factory's personnel,. the representative said, as workers feared the second line may be. ditched as part of a wider cost-cutting drive at the company.

A series of staff conferences happened throughout the carmaker's. plants today after it made a bombshell statement on. Monday threatening to close plants and eliminate task. warranties at its Volkswagen brand name, stating it had simply 1-2 years. to turn things around.

Volkswagen has previously said the Salzgitter factory would. slowly expand capacity to 40 gigawatt hours each year, but has. not supplied a timeline.

A PowerCo representative stated the business was still planning. to begin production at Salzgitter in 2025 as prepared.

The additional growth of production capacities will be. driven forward flexibly and in line with need, the. representative included.

PowerCo's three revealed plants in Salzgitter, Spain's. Valencia and Ontario, Canada, have actually a combined capacity of approximately. 170 gigawatt hours.

Schmall told Germany's FAS newspaper last month that the. plants in Spain and Canada could be expanded but it stayed to. be seen whether that would occur.

(source: Reuters)