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Germany sets out idea for green industry market in bid for decarbonization

Germany's economy ministry provided on Wednesday its concept to produce a market for climatefriendly items as Germany intends to become carbon neutral by 2045 and looks for ways to cut emissions in its steel, cement and chemicals markets.

In addition to subsidies to assist energy-intensive companies switch to green production the federal government introduced earlier this year, Berlin wants to build need for items constructed with a lower greenhouse footprint which are typically more costly than those conventionally-made.

The concept consists of industry-specific meanings of climate-friendly steel, cement, ethylene and ammonia, along with a labelling system for these definitions.

Our vision is the wind turbine made from green steel, which is based upon a foundation of green cement, and the electric cars and truck, which not only runs CO2-free however is likewise made of green steel, stated Economy Minister Robert Habeck.

The ministry said setting quotas for green products for public procurement, which makes up 15% of Europe's biggest economy, is a possible tool to advance green markets up until they are the standard in Germany from 2045 and in Europe by 2050.

On the European level, the ministry wants to present binding requirements for basic materials and items' emissions.