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Kazakhstan to tap rainy-day fund for more cash, mulls export duties

Kazakhstan's federal government strategies to tap its rainyday National Fund again this year to help fund the state budget in the middle of tax shortfalls, and is thinking about brand-new export responsibilities next year, Economy Minister Nurlan Baibazarov stated on Wednesday.

The country has actually reported major earnings shortages this year after speeding up some tax payments in 2015, and likewise due to lower-than-expected prices for oil and metals, its key exports.

In addition to bridging budget gaps, transfers from the $63. billion fund aid prop up the national tenge currency as the. cash is exchanged from foreign currency into the tenge on the. domestic market.

We plan extra transfers for regional development and. project finance, Baibazarov informed reporters.

He declined to say just how much the federal government planned to draw. from the fund on top of a currently allocated 3.6 trillion tenge. ($ 7.54 billion) in direct spending plan transfers and nearly $1 billion. from the sale of Kazatomptom shares to the National. Fund.

New export duties on raw materials were another thing the. cabinet was thinking about, Baibazarov stated, but conversations on. those are likely to last until completion of this year.

Kazakhstan's primary exports, aside from oil, are minerals and. metals such as copper, iron ore, alumina, aluminium, and zinc to. markets such as China, Russia, and the European Union.

Kazakh products represent 7% of China's copper imports,. 19% of Turkey's and 13% of the UAE's.

It is possible that we will introduce export tasks on. particular products, he stated, but provided no examples or capacity. duty rates. I believe we will choose by the end of this year.

(source: Reuters)