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IMF says UAE general genuine GDP projected to grow 4% in 2024

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated on Monday the United Arab Emirates was experiencing strong financial development, with general genuine GDP predicted to grow by about 4% this year, higher than earlier estimates.

The IMF had actually predicted GDP growth for the Gulf oil exporter at 3.5% in 2024 in its latest Regional Economic Outlook report, released in April.

In its latest Post IV end of mission statement, the IMF's. delegation kept in mind that financial growth in the UAE was broad. based, and driven by strong domestic activity in sectors such as. tourist, building and monetary services.

Foreign need genuine estate, increased bilateral and. multilateral ties, and the UAE's safe house status continue to. drive quick development in housing costs and an increase in rents,. while contributing to adequate domestic liquidity, the declaration stated.

Total financial development would likely be more supported by. greater hydrocarbon GDP development this year, in part driven by. higher crude oil production from the UAE's OPEC+ quota increase,. it added.

The UAE - among the world's top oil exporters - has. accelerated strategies to diversify its economy far from. hydrocarbons and draw foreign financial investment, with non-oil GDP now. representing over 70% of the general GDP contribution.

The IMF stated that accelerated public and personal financial investment. and structural reforms, consisting of in areas such as renewable. energy and innovation, might spur development more than anticipated..